Don't call it a comeback

Or I guess you can since it has been over 10 months since I last posted anything on here. Honestly, I’ll just leave deciding what to consider this up to you because what does it really matter. I never really went away and instead have continued to worked but just not posted about it. Basically I’m here today to tell you can expect me to start posting again soon and allow you a glimpse into what I’ve been up to with my photography over the last almost year.

So I’m guessing you might be wondering why I haven’t posted on here since time hasn’t particularly been scarce during this pandemic. I’d say that it can mostly boil down to the fact I’ve generally erred on the side caution. In my mind by not posting I was putting myself out there less and being safer as a result. Over the last year with photography there has definitely been a bit of hesitancy in taking on new photography work. When I did do photography, in the back of my mind there was a little bit of worry as to whether I was putting my health at risk by working and felt a little bit of guilt as a result.

Early on in 2020, it was looking like I was going to be having my best year in business. The shutdowns due to the pandemic definitely threw me off that trajectory as weddings were called off and having portrait sessions in my studio had to be halted. I realized that it’s pointless to dwell on what last year could have been like without the pandemic so I don’t spend much time doing that. Myself like many others has found a way to survive in this new normal. For me as a photographer that has meant still shooting weddings and only have portrait sessions outdoors while doing my best to wear a mask.

My studio space is the same place it has always been but it just hasn’t been used in about a year at this point. There have a been a few times where people have contacted inquiring about studio sessions which I’ve turned down since my studio is located at my parents’ home and they would prefer that I not bring any clients over at this time. Right now, I am aiming for starting to have the option of using my studio for photography when May rolls around. I figure by that time my parents’ will be be fully protected by the vaccine and I might have even received my first dose of the vaccine myself.

While my studio space hasn’t seen much in the way of portrait photography over the last year, it hasn’t just sat empty and unused. Instead near the beginning of the pandemic, I rearranged things so I could use it for my side hustle of reselling a variety of items on eBay and Mercari. This side business has certainly helped to keep me afloat during these tough times and it’s pretty cool to think these items that had simply been gathering dust are finding a second lease on life. The only real downside of running both my businesses out of the same space is cleaning up and switching things around when the times comes but I figure future Dylan can figure that out.