My approach to New Year’s resolutions has usually been that I don’t make one because they generally are destined for failure most the time. Or I do something like last year where I make ones that are too big and as a result of that very difficult to keep. With last year’s resolution the primary goal was to try post daily on TikTok. Unfortunately for me I ended up having trouble with that goal from the very first day as I failed to post a video on the first day of 2021. With each passing day that I didn’t post, I lost confidence that there was any chance at all that was going to suddenly change and start accomplishing. The lesson that I’m taking from last year has lead me to change my approach for my resolutions in 2022.
I’m sure there are some people out there that can go from 0-60 on goal with little problem, but I have realized that’s just not who I am. This has lead me to formulate a different approach for accomplishing my resolutions this year. My method is that I am progressively building my way to improvement beginning with small goals and working my way up as the year goes. So far I have found this system is very encouraging since right now I am easily accomplishing most of my goals and know it serves as a good base for when the difficulty increases as the months go on during the beginning of the year.
So I’m guessing you might be curious on what exactly my goals are this year. One of the my major goals is building my web presence. And for the month of January, my way of accomplishing that is posting at least once a week on a variety of different platforms including this here very blog. Then from there in February, it will be moved up to posting twice a week on different platforms. Beyond the first couple months of this year, I haven’t quite figured out where to set my expectations but I’m sure I’ll have a better idea when it comes around.