June 2015

The month of June was very hectic for me. I attempted to balance 4 different jobs at once over the past month. I found myself working my usual 40 hours a week on landscaping and then found much of my spare time consumed with a mixture of working as a bellman at a hotel and helping my parents as they renovate their home. All this work, made it difficult to find time to focus on my photography as much as I wanted. The good news is that my boss at the hotel is interviewing and hiring people soon. I will soon have more spare time. Praise the lord!

I started the month of June off by preparing and participating in the Dandelion Wine Arts Festival. Partaking in the festival definitely helped to rejuvenate me and definitely encouraged me to continue to pursue my passion in photography. I have very little in the way of complaints of the festival. The weather was lovely and I got to meet so many new people. I even got some clients that I ended up photographing later in the month. I’m going to edit the photos from that session soon and be posting them on here.

For the month of July, I have a goal of getting out and doing some artistic photography. Also, I’m hoping to do some photo sessions that I’ve been meaning to do for the longest time. This month, I’ll continue to work on helping my parents with the work on their house and prepare for hopefully having a gallery space setup for the August ArtWauk.